 "WORDS
Prophecies given at Living Faith
(reprinted here for your personal reading and

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Uncompromised Word of God
Walking in Faith and Victory
Where Excellence is a Way of Life
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This page is provided for those who
want to go deeper into the Word of God for self improvement and wisdom.
"Take heed to yourself and
to the doctrine. Continue in them,
for in doing this you will save both yourself and those who hear
1 Timothy 4:16
1 Corinthians 12:1-11
"Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant:
You know that you were Gentiles, carried away to these dumb idols, however you were led.
Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus
accursed, and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit.
There are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are differences of ministries, but the same Lord.
And there are diversities of activities, but it is the same God who works
all in all. But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to each one for the profit of all:
for to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge through the same Spirit,
to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healings by the same Spirit,
to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another
discerning of spirits, to another different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues.
But one and the same Spirit works all these things, distributing to each one individually
as He wills."
In July of 2013
the LORD (YHWH) started to move and speak with us at LFM. These "Words
of the LORD" are reprinted here for your reading and study.
Please scroll down the page for the date of the "Word."
You may also listen to these
"Words" by clicking on "Listen" or going to our MP3 Sermon
page. Look up the date of
the Message and listen!
OF THE LORD (YHWH) - 2019 |
2019 |
6, 2019 - "(They) have sought for the rainbow..."
7, 2019 - “As the Holy Spirit entered..." |
3, 2019 - "(They) have sought for the rainbow..." |
4, 2019 - "Let your hearts be at peace..." |
February 17,
2019 - “Let the heathen rage... |
11, 2019 - "These are changing times for some..." |
3, 2019 - "...the angels have already begun their celebration..." |
8, 2019 - “You are in the midst of the calm..." |
10, 2019 - "...enter into My presence." |
September 18, 2019 - “For My Glory will cover the earth..."
March 31, 2019
- "I am pouring out resurrection power..." |
29, 2019 - "Did not I warn you to not be deceived..." |
14, 2019 -
“As My Son rode into the city..." |
October 6, 2019 -
“Who is the one who sets the boundaries?"
12, 2019 - "...I don’t leave things unfinished." |
October 27, 2019 - "What you are watching right now..."
19, 2019 - "...it is My glory that leads men to repentance." |
November 3, 2019 - “My people walked..."
22, 2019 GLB - "I am the Most High..." |
10, 2019 - “For I have lit a fire,.." |
22, 2019 WW - "We are going into a shift..." |
December 15, 2019 - “My Glory is being poured out..."
9, 2019 - "...your salvation is only about going to heaven." |
22, 2019 - "This year to come will be the time of the rising and the falling of many people." |
16, 2019 - “This is not the end." |
December 29, 2019 - “For in 2020 you will be forced to walk and live in My
June 23,
2019 - "... in My presence there flows
mercy," |
January 6, 2019 -- Listen
Given through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
“(They) have sought for the rainbow. They have sought for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. But the rainbow does not point to a pot of gold. It is a reflection of my covenant declares God. And those who seek for the gold at the end of the rainbow shall never find it, shall never receive it for they’re not looking for Me. For in My rainbow, in the glory of My presence there am I found says God. And I will fill those who hunger and thirst for Me, those who seek after Me, who call on My name I will satisfy them. But for the world that’s always seeking the gold, always seeking what’s at the end of the rainbow miss the meaning of My covenant and they miss who I Am declares God. For I will reveal Myself to the least. I will give Myself to those that are hungry, to those who are empty, for those who are longing for Me declares God, to those I will reveal Myself and they shall know Me and I shall call them friends. For they shall know Me even as I know them. This is the day of the outpouring. This is the time of My coming, of the spirit being poured out on all flesh. It’s not a new thing but in your understanding it’s a new day. For it ‘s a day that you’ve anticipated because you haven’t yet fully walked into it but yet I declared it to be a new day when My Son was raised from the dead and when he ascended into heaven, oh it was a new day for then My grace was poured out on the earth. For then My glory was shown forth for all men to see and all people to dwell in and for My people to just to know and rejoice in My presence says God. For until that grace came law abounded. And the law bought condemnation because you can not live to My requirements says God. But in My grace I’ve met all those requirements. And all I ask you now in My grace is to come to Me. Just come to Me. Forget about fulfilling the law because I have already done that declares God. In My Son Jesus He fulfilled all the law. And you where counted righteous, not by your deeds, not by your efforts but you are counted righteous because of My Son and what He paid for you declares God. So fear not but come unto Me that you would know Me. That you could rejoice in Me even as I rejoice in you for when you believe on Me oh, I rejoice. When you cast all your fears over onto Me and call out to Me the angels in heaven are moved. And they are moved to meet your needs and they are moved to meet whatever you require declares God because the law has been fulfilled. Grace has come and you have been found to be right with Me declares God.
February 3, 2019 -- Listen
through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
“There’s a fresh flow of oil declares the Lord. There is new wine being poured out in the earth again. For My people have cried and cried, they’ve prayed to Me, they have repented, oh, and they are coming home. Like the prodigal, son they’re returning to the Father. They’re returning to Me declares God. Oh, and I will not leave you homeless. I will not leave you alone, but like the prodigal son I will bring you back home, and I will restore to you all the things that you thought you had given up, all the things you thought you had lost, I am restoring them to My body declares the Lord, declares the Christ, the Alpha, the Omega, the Beginning and the End. For I have declared things years and years and years ago, and this is the age, this is the time when they’re being poured out in the earth afresh, anew.
“Things that people had given up - lost dreams - I am restoring them says the Father. Those that have said, ‘Oh, but we are stuck in this place’, I am unsticking you declares God. And I am putting you back into your right place and that right place is seated with My Son in Heavenly places. That doesn’t mean you’re going to die, it means you’re going to live. You’re going to live. You’re going to live. Like the dry bones in the valley, I am bringing them back together; and I declare to you says the Lord, begin to prophesy over those dead things in your life. Begin to speak to those areas that are dried up. Begin to speak to those areas that, that have gone to waste. For not only will I join those bones together, but I will put new flesh on those bones. It will be different than what was, but it will be fresh flesh. It will be new things declares God. And those things I speak to you (and this is where you prophesy) to breathe life into those dead bones. Bring life into those sinews and those muscles that I am restoring. Bring life into that flesh, for it’s not just by the natural, but it’s by My supernatural declares God, that I am moving in the land in this day. Those things that many have said ‘Oh, we’ve grown beyond that. We don’t need that old stuff anymore.’ But you still need My life. You still need to come out of the dead areas that you thought were living but they’re dead. They’re nothing but the flesh of men. They’re nothing but the things, the idols of men that are collapsing around you. You need a fresh breath, a fresh move of Me in your life declares God. And I am more than willing to do it, for I am willing to see you return to that which you have lost and restore to you all those things. For I am bringing life back in.
“For I have found among My people says God those who will not quit, those who will not flinch just because it looks tough. But My army has been in training and you have endured to this point and now says the Lord you are ready to go to battle. And when I say you are ready to go to battle I mean you are well able to overcome the lies of the enemy and his deceit. For My army is going forth all over the earth in these days says God and we are pulling down the strongholds, those things that have exalted themselves against Me. Those in the world are even openly now talking about killing live children. They’re talking openly about this, and they are stunned that it’s coming out of their mouth. But it’s because it’s what’s in their heart. For I am bringing those things out, and I am revealing them that all the world can see. For the decision is being set before you this day declares God. You will be forced, forced says God, by the Spirit that belongs to Me. You will be forced that you have to choose between life and death. And those that choose death will die in their sin. And those that choose life will live in My glory, and will walk in My power and My strength declares God, and you will overcome all the weapons of the enemy.”
February 17, 2019 -- Listen
given through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
“Let the heathen rage. Let them yell and scream while My people rejoice, because we’ve already seen the victory. We’ve seen the coming of the glory of the Lord. We’ve seen His army begin to march around the world. And the heathen are screaming, and they’re yelling and they’re up in arms, because they see it, too. But they’re not part of My army says the Lord. That’s why they’re yelling. That’s why they’re so upset. The very thing that they’ve tried to create in the natural, they see coming in the supernatural, and it scares them! For it condemns them and condemns their heart, because they’re not of Me says God. In this day, I am revealing all things, and I’m bringing everything up to the surface - good and bad - so that it can be divided; so that the good can be received over into My corner, and the bad, even all the world will see it. And even though many will not be able to draw themselves out of it, they know that it’s doomed from the start. And yet because of their pride, they will hold on to those positions, and they will hold on to those things, even knowing that they are opposing Me! But the pride of life will drag them down.
“But it’s not so with My people declares God, for My people rejoice in My glory, and My people have pride in what I am doing. Not in their own works, not in their own endeavors, but they take pride in Me as their God, as their Deliverer, as the soon coming King. And My people rejoice in that hour and it that day. Even though it may be dark, even though there may be persecutions and prosecutions, yet My people are rejoicing, for My light is being revealed in all the earth. For it crosses every border, and it crosses every nation, for this is a global event says God. The coming of My Son is a global event! It’s not local. It affects the local, but it’s not just in your region. Neither is it just in your city or in your state. Neither is it just in your nation, but this is a thing I am doing declares God, over all the earth, that all men shall see it. For My Son does not return in secret, nor does He hide His appearing. But He does it openly, boldly, that all would see and all would rejoice.
“It’s a time of separation; but not just of those that are evil, but it’s a celebration and an ingathering of My people declares God. For I am bringing them into a unity of My Spirit; and, those that have wrong doctrine and wrong understanding, because they are hungry for My Spirit, they will yield to Me says the Lord. Even though they don’t like it in their flesh and it makes them uncomfortable because of prior wrong convictions, but yet they will yield to Me because they choose My Spirit even over the things that they understand. But for those that have already chosen Me, have already made that decision, oh, get ready for a ride! ‘Cause you’re gonna see the glory. You’re gonna see the things that you’ve dreamed of, the things that you’ve prayed for, you’re going to see them manifest in the natural realm. And when it occurs, the world will say ‘What was that?’ But you’ll say, ‘I’ve seen it already.’ For it’s not new, for I have prophesied it of old declares the Lord. My servant Isaiah saw it. Daniel saw it. Hezekiah even saw this, and they rejoice in it. And John the Baptist - oh, John saw the Day. It was so close and so real in him, he could taste it. That’s why when it didn’t come out the way that he was expecting, he sent inquisitors to ask of Jesus if He was the One, because it was so real in him. And he couldn’t wait to see the fulness of it. Oh, but he was the forerunner. He was the one who introduced it in the earth. He was the one that was the greatest of all the prophets of old. And yet, and yet, anyone who believes in Me says Jesus, is greater, greater than even John the Baptist. For you know Me. For John saw it in the future as a thing yet to come, and yet I am manifesting these things in My people, in My house declares God; that you know Me for Who I am now, as well as the One that is yet to come. And you’ll see these things come to pass, but you already rejoice in it, for to you, it’s already happened!
“For it comes upon the world suddenly, but it doesn’t come suddenly to My children. Because I’ve told you in advance, and now you’re just waiting to see the manifestation. So it’s not sudden to you, but it’s that confirmation of Who I am and Who I have declared Myself to be says God. For you know these things already, for they’re written and revealed to your heart declares God.”
March 3, 2019 -- Listen
given through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
“For the angels have already begun their celebration. They are celebrating the advent of the King. They are celebrating the return of Jesus Christ into the earth. For when He comes, every knee will bow, every tongue shall confess that He is the Lord of Glory. For I am preparing declares God, to shed My glory, to pour out My glory on all the earth, on all the flesh, that everyone, everyone in the world would know that I am real declares God. There will be those who rejoice. There will be those who dance in the streets. There will be those who will glorify Me in the midst of all these things, and there will be those who hide. For the glory of the Lord means their destruction, except they turn. If they would turn back to Me says God, they would be participators of My glory. But otherwise, My glory will burn them away like the chaff is burned by the fire. For the days are coming declares God, when I am doing those things I’ve said of years ago, and I am bringing them to pass. And many, many, many will see this day of the outpouring of My glory, and they will know this is God! For man could not imagine this. Man could not create this by his own efforts, by his own abilities, for this must be God. For I will do things that people will look at and say ‘How could this be done?’ But you know it can be done declares God, for you know Me and you know what I am able to do. For My glory will shake the earth as it has never been shook before. Not only in Jerusalem where My Son preached, not only in Samaria, not only in Judea, not only in Rome and Greece, but the whole world shall feel this shakening, for it is starting even now. For the call of liberty has gone forth; and those who love liberty are rallying to My side declares God, because I am the only true God that can give liberty unto men. For I have come to set them free that they would know what freedom really means declares God, and they are grasping on to it declares Jesus, and they are coming home to Me. As a prodigal returns to the Father, they are coming home to me declares God.
“For great will be that day. Great will be that day. And it shall go down in the annals of history as a great moment in time. For it shall not be repeated again until there’s a new heaven and new earth. For My glory is soon to appear and make all things new and fresh declares the Lord.”
March 10, 2019 -- Listen
tongues through Peggy Kimble
interpretation through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
“And I say unto you My children, this is the day to enter into My
presence. This is the day to enter into My quietness and My confidence. This is the day to let the things of the world, all the burdens, all the pains, all the sufferings, all the losses, all the excuses -- this is the day to let those things go. To come and walk with Me. To come and be one with Me. To learn to live at a deeper level. To stand before Me. Because no sin can stand in My presence. No sin can come before Me. And yet I have cleansed you from all unrighteousness and all ungodliness. And I have made you able to stand in My presence declares God. This is not a light thing. This is not just a forgiving of sin. This is a cleansing and makes you able to stand in My presence before Me declares God. The world cannot take this away. The world cannot spot you, the world cannot stain you, for I have made you righteous with the righteousness of My Son. And He stands before Me and sits beside Me declares the Father. For there is no sin in Him. For I made Him to be sin that you would be sinless. That the power of sin would be broken over you. So, this day rise up. Take it by force. Take it by assurance and make the declaration, ‘I am a child of God, and I am able to stand in His presence as though sin never existed. And I can, as a child, receive all that the Father has given to me.’ To say these things. To believe these things. For this is who you have become in Me declares the Father, the Creator of all things!”
March 31, 2019 -- Listen
through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
“I am pouring out resurrection power in the earth. When Jesus was raised from the dead the power began to flow, and it flows through people. And it flows through the faith of those who trust and believe in Me. And all over this world I have people planted, all over, in every country, every nationality, in your back yard I have people planted that carry My seed of faith declares God. And that resurrection power is not at a peak, but it’s rising and it’s coming on strong. Things that many people have said have been dead in the earth for years is coming back to life. Because people are seeking freedom again. They’re seeking liberty and they can only find that in Me declares the Lord. They can’t find it in men, they can’t find it in government, they can’t find it in wealth, they can’t find it in their sexual immoralities , but they can find it in Me says God. And that resurrection power is beginning to flow into the House, into the Legislature, into the Congress, into the Courts, into the Government all over the earth. It’s a force that will be resisted; but it is a force that cannot be resisted, for it’s coming on all flesh even as I pour out of My Spirit says God. And you are seeing the beginnings of the revolution now, but it will come in greater and greater form as even those who proclaim lawlessness will be quieted by the outpour of My glory declares God. They will not desist, but they will cease for a season, for a time, for this is not their season declares God, but it is My season declares the Christ.”
April 14, 2019 - Listen
through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
“As My Son rode into the city, He rode on the back of a donkey, the colt of a donkey. And on that day He was sending a message. The King of Israel has come. The Messiah. The King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. And when He rode in, faith was stirred. Faith in the Kingdom of Heaven on earth. Faith of the Christ, of the Messiah. Faith for deliverance. Faith for all the things that are contained in the Word of God. For all the promises from Adam on. Faith was stirred for all of these things. So, faith is stirring again in the nation. It’s stirring again in My church declares God. From all the places in the earth and every nation, every peoples, every continent, faith is stirring again. For again they’ve seen the crossing through the Red Sea. And they’ve seen the waters part. And the enemy has chosen to follow into those waters thinking, ‘If they did it, we can too.’ But they will fail declares God. For as I will part the waters for those who belong to Me, so I will close it on those who pursue Me out of their own lust and out of their own greed. And the waters are beginning to close in on the enemy, and they are drowning and they don’t even know it. They still think, the Pharaoh of this world still believes, that he can overcome the Christ who rode into Jerusalem. But My Christ, though He were killed, yet I raised Him on the third day declares the Father. And today He is the Lord of the Resurrection. And in this day I am resurrecting faith. My Church is feeling the stir. And as faith arises, so do the Pharisees, so do the Scribes, so do the hypocrites - those who have called on My name but do not believe in My power says God. And you see in many churches even, those who have gained wealth and power and position by using the name of My Son, and yet they are being challenged this day because My Word is causing a separation and a division among My people and those who are called by My name. For many have been called, but yet few have been chosen. And this is the time of the division that it begins, when the tares are being separated from the wheat. And My angels are causing it to come to pass declares God. For faith is arising again. And people have seen a glimmer of the coming of the Son of God, and they’ve seen Him pushed out of politics, seen Him pushed out of education, pushed out of all the areas of life, and yet now at the near breaking point, My people are saying ‘No more shall we be denied. No more shall we be the ones hiding in the closet.’ But they are coming out, and their faith is coming out with them declares God. And they are threatening every power, every stronghold, every political position, every philosophical position, they are challenging the educational systems in the world that have been raised on the ideas of men that have proven to fail. And they have sequestered the Kingdom of God that always works.
“So this is the day not to grow faint but it’s the day to let your faith increase. It’s the day to hide yourself in My Word and to cover yourself up with My glory declares God. For as My glory pours out, it is revelation, it is light, it is healing, it is mercy, it is power, it is strength for those who believe; but it is condemnation for those who will not, who have chosen to walk in the dark side. But all this is because faith has risen and is continuing to rise across this great country. And I will restore the light to the city on the hill. And I am removing the basket that has covered up that glory for so long, and it shall shine from sea to sea declares the Lord.
“Those who oppose Me are talking about values and morals while they declare that living babies fresh from the womb are not human. And they talk about morals. It’s an insult to Me declares God, for the heathen to talk about righteousness when they have no righteousness except their own. And I am revealing their dirty rags that are soaked with the blood of humanity. Daring to equal themselves to the righteousness of My Son who gave His blood so that people could be saved. Put your faith into My Son. Put your faith into My Word, My Spirit, declares God for that truth will set you free from the limitations and the confinements that the god of this world has placed upon My people. For the shackles are coming off, and the doors to the jail are opening again says the Lord.”
May 12, 2019 -- Listen
through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
“There are those who would say that I leave things undone; but, I don’t leave things unfinished. For I’ve finished things from the foundation of the world. From the beginning of your time I saw the end says God. And I’ve made preparation for all of you to reach that goal in life, for all of you to attain the prize at the end of the time that you live. I’ve given you that opportunity. But there are those that say, ’Well, God just does this and He starts a thing here and He starts a thing there.’ No, no, no. I finish it. But you, by your understanding, only walk into a part of it. For many times what I have begun, people grabbed hold of, but after a while it grew old to them, and they grew tired of it, and so they requested a new thing; but I want to finish what I started says the Lord. I started with Adam and Eve that they would have fellowship with Me in the garden, but they grew tired and they wanted something new and something different, so they tried the apple. They tried the fruit and it led to failure. Any time you leave My plan, it will result in failure says the Lord. But I gave an opportunity for Adam and Eve to return to Me; and I’ve given an opportunity for everyone of you to return to Me through My Son, Jesus, that you may finish the race, that you may complete that good thing that I have started on the inside of you.
“So this is not the time to grow weak. This is not the time to faint. It is the time to hold onto those things that I have planted in your heart. In your soul, in the innermost recesses of your heart, there is a dream that I have given to you says the Lord. And I am with you to see you fulfill that dream. To fulfill that vision that it would come to pass, and that you would come short in no good thing says God. For I’m still with you, and I’ve not backed off. And I’ve not said, ‘Oh I’m, I’m going to change My, My attitude, I’m going to change My mind in the middle of the stream.’ No, no, no. I don’t do that says the Lord. For My thoughts are not here and there. My thoughts are not up and down, My thoughts are consistent, for My thoughts are of My essence says God; and I have decreed salvation. Things that you are beginning to see the results of were because people aligned themselves with Me years ago. For I cannot change a generation overnight, but I plant seeds in that generation that they would flourish, that the seeds would grow up and mature and when the time is ripe, the seeds bear fruit and the seeds come to harvest. This is a harvest time declares God. And things that I have sown forty years ago are now coming to pass says God. The things that I saw years ago, they’re beginning to occur now for you to see them in the natural, but the seed was planted years ago. Do not count that seed that I’ve planted in you as a little thing, for it will literally cause mountains to move and to shake and to quake when that seed bears fruit. When that seed comes to fruition, you will see the things in the natural world yield to the seed of My Spirit says God. And so things are even now yielding to My Son. And there are protests and there are those who will say ‘No, no, no!’, not just out there, but those in the church. For they fear My rule and they fear My reign. But if you will let Me rule, if you will let Me reign on the inside of you, oh the blessings that you would receive. The peace that you would have. To know that you are one with Me. To know that I am one with you says God, and that I have cleansed you and forgiven you and I have made you a new person. That you would know these things in you will be a seed for the future. To be settled and established in what I have given to My people says God, oh, that - that is a foundation that others can build on, because they see your confidence, they see your trusting in Me says God; and it will allow them to trust, and it will allow them to see that good thing in you and know that that good thing passes from generation to generation to generation. I blessed Abraham because I knew he would teach what I had given to him to his seed, to his children. So also teach the things that I have given to you. Teach the understanding, the revelation that I have given to you to those around you - to your children, to your grandchildren, to those others that you meet that that seed would continue, that your blessing would be complete.
“The things that I have started, that you’re now beginning to see in this nation, are not going to be cut short in 2020. They’re going to continue and they’re going to pick up steam. As they already are, you’re going to see this wave increase and increase and increase, and there will be stones that will stand in the way and they say ‘No, no you shall not pass here!’, but I have set the limits of the ocean says God. And I have set the limits of My glory says God to fill the earth with Myself. And I will see these things come to pass regardless of how many stones. For as the sea washes against the stones, the stones break up. The stones deteriorate, the stones will give way to My water says God, because my waters are truth and they are life to all those who will find them and receive them and walk in them saith the Lord.”
May 19, 2019 - Listen
through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
“It is My glory, says the Lord, it is My glory that leads men to repentance. It’s when they see My goodness above all the sin of the earth, it’s when they see My righteousness, My holiness, that men are drawn to Me. For when Moses approached My burning bush he saw the glory and he knelt, and he honored Me and he came to know Me as Yahweh. When Jesus healed the sick, cast out demons, when He raised the dead to life, My glory was being poured out. And there were those that followed Him because they were filled with the food that He gave them, but He said you never saw the miracles. You never saw the hand of God that was setting people free. For all they were concerned about was having their own need satisfied. All they were concerned about was just having their own needs met. But they failed to see the glory of the entrance of My power, the entrance of the invasion of My righteousness into the earth. And when they saw this glory they would repent. For you repent when you come into one who is greater than you. But if you believe you are the greater one, there’s no need for you to repent says the Lord. There’s no need for you to come to the physician if you’re not sick. But, oh, if My glory fills the earth, when that time comes and I pour out of My goodness again on all flesh to where it is so visible men will come to repent, because My glory will convict them of their unrighteousness. And as they see My glory lifted up above their weaknesses, oh they will come to Me says the Lord. And you are the vessels of My outpouring. You are the ones, My church, that I have declared to be filled with My glory and to be glory carriers in the earth, that you would carry that glory and that glory would pour from you, that men would know that they have come into the presence of the Holy One of Israel - that they would repent and call on My Name and be born again. Oh, that this glory would come, that this time would come shortly says the Lord, that My Name would be lifted up in all the earth again, that men would know Me says God.”
May 22, 2019 - Listen
through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
“I am the Most High declares the Lord. I am high above all other things. There is no other name by which men can be saved than the name of Jesus. There is no place higher than My throne declares God. There are those who seek to depose Me. They’ve kicked Me out of their lives. They’ve refused to even acknowledge that I exist, and they struggle against Me day after day. But they shall not pull Me down says God. For while they throw stones, they’ll always have to throw the stones higher, because they know that they are beneath. They know that every knee shall bow, every tongue confess that My Son, Jesus, is indeed Lord over all things. For I have enthroned Him high above the seraphim, high above the cherubim, high above all the ideas or things that men could begin to comprehend; and yet men want to pit their ideals against Me, and every time they do they fail again and again and again. And yet they try and they lift up their wisdom and they lift up the things of men, thinking that this time, this time their tower will stand - this time they will succeed in reaching heaven - this time they will succeed in uniting all people under one banner; but yet they don’t understand that all will be united under one banner, but it is My banner declares the Lord. For I am drawing all those who believe unto Me says God. And this is the day of the outpouring. You look at it and say it’s still yet to come. I say it’s already here. I say it is already started declares God. For when one person believed in My Son, the Kingdom broke forth. And on the day of Pentecost 3,000 came to Me declares God. Oh, it shook the kingdoms of darkness, and it still shakes those kingdoms; and those kingdoms want to rise up again and declare ‘No, no, no, no. We will not bow our knee!’; and yet they shall bow declares God. For they will have no choice in this day but to acknowledge who I am, even before their enemies. For many will come out of the darkness and they will come into My light declares God. Those who have declared themselves to be My enemies shall see the light and shall turn from their wicked ways, and I will receive them says the Father. And I will make them sons and daughters. And yet My people will say ‘Oh, no, no, no, no! They haven’t worked like we have, they haven’t done the works, the deeds that we have done.’ But yet I will pay them the same wages says God. For My mercy and My grace is Mine to do with what I choose. And if I choose to give grace to one, then I will show him grace. For I want all those to come to Me and to know Who I am, that they could in this day be set free.”
May 22, 2019 - Listen
given through Woody Woodson
“We’re going to shift into a gear in the Spirit that we didn’t even know we had. We’re about ready to shift into a gear in the Spirit that we didn’t even know we possess.” We have so much more potential than we’re operating at. Cause you have the fulness of God on the inside of you. There’s realms of the Spirit that cause tremendous acceleration; and it’s not that we work harder, it’s that God works through us and we see supernatural breakthroughs.
June 9, 2019 - Listen
through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
“Do not think that your salvation is only about going to heaven. Do not begin to entertain the thought that what I have promised is going to some day come in your future, but begin to believe it is now saith the Lord. For the things that I have promised are ‘yea’ and ‘amen’. They are not ‘Oh, for someday after you’re dead...’ no, no, no, it’s for now. It’s for now. It’s for now. Your salvation took place and is daily, even by moment by moment, taking place in your body and in your soul. For you are continually renewing yourself in Me says the Lord, and as you do that, I am quickening the manifestation of My Spirit, My life in you says God. Do not begin to put off that which I have given you now for some day in the future that will never get here. For tomorrow is always ahead of you. That’s why I say today is the day of salvation. Today is the day of My appearing. Today is the day of My coming says the Lord. For I do not see it as some day by and by, but I see it now says God. And when you begin to walk in the power of My Spirit, the things that you have put off for tomorrow you will suddenly find are at hand, and you can possess them now says God.”
June 16, 2019 - Listen
through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
“This is not the end. This is not the conclusion, but this is the beginning -- the beginning of new things in My Spirit and in this nation declares God. It’s a new time for you as an individual. It’s a new time for the people of God around the world. For years they have put up, for years they have tolerated being oppressed and depressed . But this is the day of the liberation of My people, of My church in the earth says the Lord. For as My people grab hold of the things of My Spirit, as they grab hold of heaven, they are pulling it into manifestation in the earth. This is what My people have prayed for thousands of years, ‘Thy kingdom come, thy will be done in the earth even as it’s in heaven.’ Well, it’s starting to happen says God. For My people have put up with all these years and all the prayers have not gone unheard, for I have heard the prayers of My people, I’ve heard your supplication and today is the day of the outpouring. Today is the day when the new birth is coming into fruition. It’s a new life for the nations declares God. There are those who will arise up against, there are those who will say ‘No, no, no, no, no’, but I say yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! And My will reigns supreme declares God. And it is that day of the outpouring, so don’t be a bystander. Don’t be one of those who just watches things go by and say, ‘Hmmm’ that was interesting.’ Get involved says God. For as you get involved it will also be to your salvation. It will also be that time when you will step over the line, the barriers that you have set in place in your life. And you will see new works, new wonders and new activity in the realm of My Spirit says God. For this is that day that the prophets spoke of and you are seeing it come to pass again says the Lord.”
June 23, 2019 - Listen
through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
“For in My presence declares the Lord, in My presence there flows mercy, compassion, oh, righteousness flows from My throne says God. It flows to all those who would receive, it flows to those coming in, it flows to those going out. It’s a flow, it’s a steady flows says God. It’s not one that I turn on and turn off, it’s not one where I pick a time and say it’ll work today but not tomorrow. No, no, no! It’s a steady flow from My throne. For that flow to change says God, I would have to change; and I change not. I DO NOT alter My person or My word declares God, for I am the same yesterday, today and forever; and My flow is a regular consistent flow from the throne of My grace, the throne of My mercy, into the earth for all those who would believe and receive it.”
July 7, 2019 - Listen
through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
“As the Holy Spirit entered into the upper room, as My power began to flow into the church, as the tongues of fire appeared, and as I broke out into the streets of the city and all the people heard the gospel, so it will be in this hour declares the Lord. For that which has been shut up in prophecy, that which has been hidden from the minds of men who seek to understand, I am revealing in these days says the Lord, and it will come upon the earth as a rushing mighty wind. It will come as an earthquake. It will come suddenly upon the earth. For suddenly I shall appear and suddenly you shall see things turned around, things that people thought were dead. Ancient volcanoes are opening again declares the Lord. Ancient wells are being re-dug and reopened declares God, and those things that have been hidden in the earth for years are beginning to be revealed again saith God, through My people. For it’s not an act of violence, it’s not a rushing wind or a volcano or a flood that destroys, but it is one that gives life; and, it will give life to as many as who would receive it, that they would know Who I am. For I am preparing says the Lord, to make a demonstration, a demonstration of Myself in the earth -- of My love, of My faithfulness, of My salvation and deliverance. For even as I brought Israel out of Egypt with great display, so I am preparing to reveal My church again with great display, that all the world will see and they will marvel and they’ll bend their knee, if only for a while, to Who I am declares God, because they know that this move can not be resisted; and they will yield momentarily,
but they will acknowledge Who I am says God, because of the rising of My church and My people in the earth again says God. As I shook Rome, I will again shake this world. For they have not seen this kind of power, they have not seen this outflow for centuries, but they will see it again declares God, for revival has hit the world and My harvest is ripe and ready to be brought into My Kingdom declares God.
“And do not think this is going to pass you by. Don’t think it’s going to be only out there, it’s going to be in you declares God. For Me to pour out My glory in the earth it must come through My people and My body declares God. And so even as I lift up My church, remember you belong in My church, you are My church, and therefore the blessing will come upon you in greater measure than you have ever anticipated, for I am doing this work to reveal who I am nationally, internationally, and in you says God. So that even your relatives, even your family, even your neighbors will know this is God. And like in Egypt, oh, like in Egypt, they brought the gold and the jewels and the precious things to Israel before they left, so it will be in this day that they will seek you out for your wisdom, they will seek you out because you know Me; and because they don’t know Me, they will seek you out and they will ask you questions and they will deliver the things that they have possessed for years -- their pride, their arrogance, their fear, their hate, their anger and they will give all these things to you, because you will carry them away and you will release them and bring them into My presence says God.”
August 4, 2019 -- Listen
through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
“Let your hearts be at peace. Do not fret and fear as the world fears, for the very things that they have feared are coming upon them. In this world there will be tribulation, but still I have overcome the world, and I’m still overcoming it. The darkness cannot overtake the light. No matter how much it tries and how hard it strives against Me it shall not prevail declares the Lord. For I am still abiding with My people, and I have not abandoned them. I have not forsaken them. There are those who are asking this morning, ‘Where is the Lord?’ I’m where I‘ve always been says God, desiring to be enthroned on the hearts of men - desiring to direct their lives and bring them to a point of peace with Myself as well as others, to bring in a sense of harmony. And yet there is one who seeks to steal, kill and destroy; and as long as he is willingly yielded to, he will manipulate people and he will use their emotions and he will use their own frustration to do the will of the one who hates My children. For even as he seeks to destroy others, he uses those whom he is destroying to do his work, just as I use those to do My work says God, who will yield to Me, who will seek My presence, who will give their hearts and their lives to Me says God. I will use them and I will use them for good declares God. And I will use them to bring healing says Christ. And I will use those who seek My will to bring peace upon the earth to as much as is within their parameter. But there will always be those who seek their own. There will always be those who cry out against Me says God. Yet My love is toward them also. For as a hen calls her chicks to herself, so I’m calling those to Me says God, that all who would hear My voice, all who would hear My Son would gather themselves to Me says the Christ. For this is the day of the separation. It is the day of the sheep and the goat nations. It is the day of the wheat and the tares, and it’s the day of the harvest declares God. It’s the day when I am calling those to Me and gathering them into My barn. It’s the day says God, when I am receiving My own to Myself. For it’s the day of My coming, it’s the day of My appearing says God. And I will make Myself known, that all will know that it is Me that they are struggling with. And they are dealing with life and death everyday; and those who seek life will come to Me, and those who hide from life, those who seek the darkness, who seek their own way, oh, they will grow further and further away from Me. But for My children, they will know Me and they will have the peace that the others promised to give but cannot fulfill. For I am the way, the life and the truth declares the Christ.”
August 11, 2019 -- Listen
tongues given through Kathy Duckworth
interpretation through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
“(These are changing) times for some but not for Me says God. There are those who see the things in the world and they go from here and they go from there, but I do not change. I am the same yesterday, today, and forever. For I see things from a grand perspective, ‘cause I see the end before it even started. There are those who will begin to celebrate the victory and they’ll celebrate too early. And like the Israelites they’ll say, ‘They’ve released us, they’ve let us go!’ And they go to the sea and they find a difficulty, but yet I am there, and I will part the waters. And they will go through and they will celebrate again; and then the enemy will follow and they’ll say ‘Oh, woe am I’. Oh, but be constant says the Lord. For those enemies that follow you, I will overtake them and I will overthrow them declares God, and they shall not have effect upon you declares God. For they will come and they’ll ....(tongues).... they will think that they are in pursuit and they will say (and some of them are already saying) that, ‘This is their end, this is time when we totally overthrow the people of God. This is the time when we destroy Israel. It is the time when we destroy the church!’ But they shall not conquer declares God! For like the Egyptians, they shall pursue you into the sea thinking that God has even given you into their hands, and yet I have set a trap for them declares God. For the more they rail the more they rise up against Me and My people, the more their idiocy is seen and revealed to all the world, to where the world will reject them. And the world will even turn against them, for they will decry the very things that they once believed in. For they have seen the outcome of it. For they’re beginning to see their end, they’re beginning to see their demise says God. Their time is coming quickly. Their time is coming rapidly to a close, for I am closing this age says God; and I am elevating My people that they will rise in this hour and in this time says God.”
September 8, 2019 -- Listen
through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
“You are in the midst of the calm. You’re in the eye of the storm. Things appear to have settled down, and many people will take it as a sign of rest. It’s just the peace of the storm. It’s the eye and soon the eye will pass. And once the eye passes, the storm will begin to rage again with greater intensity than it has raged to this far. Greater intensity shall be upon the earth. Greater pressure will be upon My people declares God. For when the eye passes, oh, there will be those who are disappointed because they’ve thought ‘We’ve won, we’ve won!’ Oh, no, no, no. The storm is still there, it’s just that temporary peace, that temporary calm. But it will pass. That’s when you’ve got to continue to stand. You’ve got to continue to hold the ground. For even the ground that people stand on will be shaken in these days declares God. For the shakening must occur so that that which is real will continue to stand. But the shaking will cause the false things to not only appear but to also be destroyed and be demolished. For those things of the world can be shaken and they will be shaken until they collapse declares God. And yet My people, when they are shook, oh, they just stand in greater strength on the Rock on which they are built. For you are not built on sand that shifts with every tide, with every -- everything that man thinks, but you are built on the solid rock of the foundation of My Son declares God. And this foundation cannot, will not be shaken, for it will endure forever. The reason it seems to be so still at the moment: the enemy hasn’t ceased his efforts; he hasn’t decided to quiet down and be nice; he hasn’t surrendered his will. They’re gathering their momentum for what they think is a final push. But that final push will be met with an equal and greater opposition, and they do not anticipate this. For they think that they have the strength, but they have no strength outside of Me declares God. For I have said it is the meek that will inherit the earth. It is the meek, those who are surrendered to Me and to My will. It is the meek who have died to themselves and let Me live in them, these are the conquerors, these are the overcomers, these are the ones who will know My power in that day declares God. So be prepared. Be ready. Don’t take this calm as the battle’s over, for it’s going to rage again in a short time; and, all things are going to come out and all things will be shaken, so that which is permanent will endure and remain standing after the storm has gone through.”
September 18, 2019 -- Listen
through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
“For My Glory will cover the earth. My Word will cover the earth. It will go out from all nations, from all peoples, from all sources that will make themselves available. And My Word will cover the earth, and the ears that have been sleeping are going to be woke up. For as the system of the world collapses and people remember that they have no lasting hope to offer, they will seek Me out again says the Lord. And they will cry out unto Me says God, and I will answer them and I will draw them into My Kingdom, I will draw them to Myself declares God. For I am seeking all over the world for those who hunger and thirst. For those who are willing to come under My government, I am seeking out these people says God. And there’s many, many, many, many that have been caught up in the things of the world, but as those things fade, as they begin to pass away, more and more they will seek for the answer. And as they seek they shall find that I am the answer, that there is no one beside Me, there is no one that can answer the heart cry that they have except for Me declares God. And they will come to Me by the thousands, by the millions they will come unto Me declares God. And they will come and they will bring light into My church. To those institutions that call themselves My ‘church’, the ungodly have become Godly and they will bring light into the deadness of the institution, and they will bring life back into the church.For they will not be content to sing the old songs the old way, but they will have found a Living God, and as they find that Living God they will bring that life with them; and those places that will not allow them to express My life will cease to exist. For they shall fade away even as the things of the world fade away. For I am bringing My light into the darkness and the darkness must - has to - yield to the light, for the light is greater than any darkness that is upon this earth.”
September 29, 2019 -- Listen
through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
"Did not I warn you to not be deceived. For there is one who goes out to deceive the nations, to deceive the world. He’s called the deceiver of the brethren. He’s called the liar, the thief. That he would deceive the world is not surprising, but many in My own church have been deceived. They’ve walked under a spirit of bewitchment. For they’ve replaced My word with their own theology, with their own doctrine. They’ve replaced My word with the wisdom of men, and My word no longer has place in them declares God. But I am breaking that spell, that witching spell. I’m breaking the hold of the enemy over My people declares God. For for many years there has been an awakening, but it’s going to increase in this season, in this time. It’s going to grow rapidly, and as My people catch fire, so will the true church catch fire, also. And the true church will rise up and be separated from that church of the world, that church of Satan, where he has taken up his throne, and where he has bewitched many, many, many who think that they serve Me, but they’re really just serving the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes. But My kingdom is coming, and it brings conflict with it, for it brings that division, it brings that separation. And there are those who will not want to know that separation, for they will say ‘We’re all one.’ No you’re not all one declares God. For there are those who are with Me and there are those who oppose Me. You are not one until you are one in Me declares the Christ. Until I have the headship over your life and the headship over the church, it does not belong to Me. But in these days that spirit of bewitching is going to be lifted and truth will be seen for what it is. For as I remove the spell, as I remove that darkness from the face of the earth, oh, the depravity of man will come out, and it will come out in the church and it will come out in the world. But don’t be afraid, for these things must be revealed in the end times to truly separate the sheep and the goats, the tares from the wheat, for this is all part of the plan. So be not afraid of all these things that are about to come upon the earth, but rejoice that your King draweth nigh. And rejoice in those things being exposed, for even as those evil, dark things are being exposed, so will the light of My sons and daughters be exposed in this day declares God. For you shall shine brighter than you ever thought possible. And people will run to you, yes they will flock to you and they will say ‘Tell me about this Jesus, tell me about this way of life’, because the truth in their heart is being revealed. And not only are they seeing the darkness in their own soul, but they are seeing the light of the gospel. And I will be lifted up in these days declares God, and I will draw many, many, many to Myself; for it is the day of the outcoming. It is the day of revival, but it is the day of renewal where nations will be renewed. For I am doing a work in this world again, revealing the sheep nations and the goat nations. And the line will be clearly drawn between the two so that all can see and all will have to decide whether they will follow the sheep or follow the goats. For this is the outpouring of My Spirit declares God."
October 6, 2019 -- Listen
through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
“Who is the one who sets the boundaries? Who is the one who set the limits of the seas and said you can progress this far and no further? Who is it that has established the borders of the nations? It is I says the Lord. For I have set boundaries and I have set limitations; and, I’m telling you this day evil can only go so far and I will intervene. Death can only proceed to a certain point, and then I will intervene and I will take over. For I have set limits and I have set boundaries. People say, ‘Oh, evil is going to overtake the whole world!’ No it won’t, for I have set the limits. I’ve set the boundaries. Even in the time of Job, I set the boundary. I said, ‘Devil, you can go this far but no further’, and he could only go as far as I allowed him to go. Because I have a plan of redemption, I have a plan of salvation; and, that plan of salvation interrupts the plan of the devil and cuts him short, because he can only go so far and then My salvation begins to kick in. And My salvation comes by faith. And as My people rise in faith, oh, the enemy will be limited. For he is raising his head right now, and he’s roaring as a lion seeking whom he may devour, because he doesn’t have the right to devour everyone. There’s a limit, and only those who yield to him can he devour. But those who call on My Name ooo, that set a limit on him and he can’t go past that spot. He can’t go past the Name of My Son. He can’t go past the redemption, the blood that poured out on the ground. He can not cross that blood line. And as long as you stay within that blood line, it doesn’t matter how much he roars because I’ve set a limit, and I’ve said you can go no further than this. So begin to rejoice. Begin to not to look at the loudness of the enemy. Begin to get your eyes off of his screaming and his yelling and his display, but begin to look at My blood and My salvation. For that blood protects you, that blood draws a line about you and about My people in the earth, and that blood line can not be crossed declares God, because I have set you in My hand, and no one can take you out of My hand says the Lord.”
October 27, 2019 -- Listen
through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
"What you are watching right now declares God, has not been seen in a generation. A generation ago you referred to them as ‘the greatest generation’. But a generation ago there were men who stood up to evil. They put their lives on the line to destroy a plague that was sweeping across the earth. People thought, ‘It can’t be stopped. It’s too large.’ They formed alliances with other like-thinking nations. And yet I caused division between those factions as they turned and they began to fight on one another. And you’re seeing that now, even the factions that have joined themselves together are now beginning to fight one another again, and they are weakening themselves. But I will take advantage of that declares God. For I am raising up a generation that is going to fight against evil, that is going to stand up, that is going to be a generation that sees and ushers in My Kingdom declares God. For it’s a generation of those who have no fear. It’s a generation of those who will climb on walls and leap over fences. It’s a generation of those who will not tire and who will not quit, that will not yield to another, for they have found the True God and they will not deny Me says the Lord. And they’re taking place and they’re in the process now of rooting out the evil, revealing it once again so that like a generation ago men denied it, they claimed it didn’t exist and they claimed it was a good thing, and it was rottenness to the bones. And as they fought, they literally uncovered the deepest, darkest secrets that hid in the souls of men; the desire to do evil, the desire to promote themselves as angels of light, but their deeds were full of darkness. So it is this day. You have men and women rising to the occasion that are willing to fight, are willing to stand up, and the world is confused because they thought they had won. They were so close, and they can’t understand that the world will not just embrace them and will not accept their ways. But there’s still a remnant in the earth declares God. They know right and wrong. They know good and evil, because their minds have not been clouded or tainted with the things of the world. And even though they walked in the world, yet their thoughts were before Me says God. And I am restoring that generation to the generation (tongues), to the generation of David, of mighty men that did great works. Mighty men that were not afraid. Mighty men that would set themselves at risk, at peril of even death itself. Oh, but they did not die, but they overcame, and as they overcame other men became mighty, other men began to rise up and say ‘Me, too!’ And they created a wave, and it is of that kingdom of David that I said My Messiah will reestablish his kingdom in the earth again. And you’re seeing the beginnings of that kingdom rise again in the earth declares God. For you are seeing something that has not transpired for a generation, because evil is being revealed, and evil is being fought head on. And there were those who said D-Day was a massive failure waiting to happen, and where there is no way we could go against an impenetrable continent as Europe, because the enemy was too strong. And yet, I confused their plans to where there was an opening. And there were brave men and bold men that came to place, and they took charge of that opening, and they saw the breach in the wall that no one else could see. And they attacked. So, My people, I am showing you the breaches in the walls of the enemy that you may attack them and pull down their strongholds, and reveal the vileness of their hearts again to a people whose hearts have grown dull. But your heart I am reviving again declares God, to see these things done in your time."For what men have thought they lost, oh, I’m calling the dead bones to rise again. I’m causing them to take on flesh and sinews, and I’m commanding breath to return to the bones, and they will stand up again declares God. A mighty army that shall not be vanquished. A mighty army that will see that the orders of their Commander are carried out. And you’re that army, ‘cause I am breathing My Spirit into the earth afresh says God. And there is an awaking going on all over the earth, for those that were furtherest away are realizing who I am and they are starting a revival that will literally sweep the planet and give glory to My Name declares God."
November 03, 2019 -- Listen
through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
“My people walked around the City of Jericho. They walked in silence. They walked in worship. They walked in anticipation of that which I was about to do. But then the day came and I said, ‘Shout!’, and when they shouted it created such a reverberation in heaven that the walls of the city collapsed. So when you face trials, you often start out in solemness, you often start out in silence seeking My will, seeking what I would desire to do. And if you stay before My face long enough, oh, I will raise up a shout. A shout that comes from within you. A shout of defiance, a shout of victory, a shout of the glory of God; and I will cause reverberations again to resound from heaven to enter into your situation, and the walls that resist you will collapse before you. And the enemy will be unprotected. The enemy will be confused, and that’s when you go in and you take the booty of the city. The things of the world are laid up for the righteous, and those things are beginning to pour into My Kingdom says God. For I have opened the gates because I have people that have shouted against the walls, and they have lifted up their voice against the opposition, against the nay sayers, against those who say ‘No, no, no. Be quiet, be quiet, be quiet!’ No, no. My people are beginning to shout again this day, not only in America, but throughout all the earth, and they are shouting with the voice of triumph. They are shouting with the voice of liberty and the walls, the retainers, the things that have stood against them are collapsing even as they declare My glory says God. For in the shout of My people there is victory. And when My people raise their voices, all the earth trembles before them; for every knee must bow and every tongue confess that My Jesus is Lord, and all authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Him.
“So lift up your voice against your opposition, against the barriers, against the limitations. Begin to lift up your voice and begin to shout ‘Mighty is my God! Glorious is He Who stands with me!’; and those walls will begin to fall and they will collapse around you even as you shout, even as you lift up your voice, even as you make the declaration. My people will be set free again says God, and you shall be the
“For the greatest enemy that has risen up against you is not the things you think you see,
it is the fear and the intimidation of the enemy. And My shout sets him to flee, because like any wild animal, when there’s a shout it disrupts his plans and his inclinations, and he flees when no one pursues him. So your enemies will vanish into the night. The fears, the
apprehensions, those worries will literally dissipate in the atmosphere. For I have caused you to rule and to reign over the things of this earth.”
November 10, 2019 -- Listen
tongues given through Peggy Kimble
interpretation given through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
“For I have lit a fire, a fire that cannot be quenched, a fire that cannot be put out. And yet I want to draw that fire into you. And I want to put that fire of My flame of My Holy Spirit, of My life, I want to put that in and impart it into My people, that they would burn with the glory of Myself says God; that they would know these things for themselves - not look far off, not look from far away, but they would walk into the presence. It would be as the children in the fiery furnace, they walked around but I was in the midst. And they think, ‘Oh, look at the fire that men have built’. It was My fire of My glory says God, because they walked in that fire and yet it did not consume them. They stood, and when they walked out of the fire, when they called them out, they did not walk out just of the fiery furnace, they walked out of the fire of My glory, My presence, that is greater than the fire of the world. For My fire will protect you from the fires of this world, for My fire is greater and it is the genuine fire where the other is only a copy. So walk into My fire, walk into My flame, for it is a consuming fire that will consume you and yet not burn you. And you will come out smelling of the fragrance of My glory declares the Lord.”
December 15, 2019 -- Listen
given through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
“My Glory is being poured out on the earth. The sons and the daughters of men, the sons and daughters of God are rising up. No longer content to live in the sin of the world. They’ve seen the light. The light has transformed them and is transforming them yet to this day declares God. For My glory is going out and I’m pouring it out on flesh. I’m pouring My glory out in the earth. Not just in the atmosphere, but in the lives of people. My glory is being poured out through My word. For suddenly My people have begun to understand that My word is not for tomorrow down the road, but My word is for now. For My word is always active and My word is always present. And yet many have held My word to be that which is someday to come, oh, in yonder year we can see it in the distance; but to Abraham that word was. He saw it in his lifetime. Jesus said ‘Abraham has seen My day and rejoiced in it.’ This wasn’t just a future thing for him, but it was a present everyday walk that Abraham had with Me. And as we supped, as we spent time together oh, it increased until he could see it in his opening vision. In his day to day sight he could see these things - they were so real to him. And I want My word to become real to you, that it’s not for some distant future, but it’s for the now. It’s for the current time. It is an ever present work within you, where you do not lose sight of it, you do not yield it up for anything because that word has become your life. And that word surrounds you and that word moves through you and causes you to act in the way that you act, because of the power that it contains.
“This is the season when the world seems so concentrated on the word becoming flesh, but My word has always taken on flesh says God. When I spoke at creation, My word became what you would call natural and it manifested in the natural. That is My way. For I do not speak vainly into the air and hope that it comes to pass. Oh, but when I speak My word, it’s a now word. It’s for My people today, this moment. It’s for you. So receive My word. Receive it as a now word for you and begin to build your life, your expectations, your vision. Begin to see those things living and working in you now, and you shall have those things that you ask for, and you shall see them come to pass. And when others are amazed, you’ll just say ‘But I knew it, I knew it.’ - because it’s already real in you. That’s why the flesh changes to conform to My word, because it’s real in you. So rejoice. Be glad. For when you get this revelation, joy will be continually with you. For you shall always walk in My presence and know that I am greater than he that is in the world, and it is I that live and dwell and move in you says the Lord.”
December 22, 2019 -- Listen
given through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
Simeon prophesied over Jesus when he was brought into the temple. He said “This child is destined for the fall and rising of many of in Israel.”
“Thus saith the Lord: This year to come will be the time of the rising and the falling of many people. Some whom the media have declared to be shooting stars and rising stars will suddenly burn out. And they will fall to the ground as burned out embers. And those things that the world has cast aside, those things that the media and the world - and they claim these are worthless, these are nothing, they mean... they are insignificant, oh, I shall put My light in them. For I dwell in the least of these. And I will raise up those who the world discounts, and you will see them rise up and they shall become not shooting stars, not rising stars, they shall become the lights of My glory says God. And I will shine through them and the world will begin to behold and to begin to see My move . Along with the move there will be resistance, and there will be those like in Jesus’ day that want to seek to put out the light, but it shall not be quenched declares God. But it shall increase and increase and become brighter and brighter in the years ahead. And many will look to this day as the turning, but it turned years ago declares God, when My Son was birthed into the earth, that’s when it turned. That’s when sin was forgiven. That’s when righteousness was poured out on all those who would believe. It was then that this movement that you’re entering into, it began in that manger in Bethlehem, the House of Bread. And that bread has continued to increase and it has fed millions and millions and millions with eternal life. And that bread still is today. It’s My word. And those who will eat of My bread, they shall be set free and they shall know eternal life and they shall know My glory and they shall know My benefit says the Lord, for there’s life in that bread. And I will show Myself strong. In the day that the world declares is utter darkness, My light will shine forth and My glory shall be revealed to all those who come to worship Me. And I will lift them up, and you will begin to see the enemies put under you feet, even to the point of death being put under your feet, that it shall no longer rule and reign, but My Son will rule and reign through My glory and by My power declares God.
“So rejoice! It’s a time of the outpouring of My Spirit. It’s already begun but it increases and increases and increases to where as Isaiah spoke, His kingdom shall know no boundaries and no limitations, for I will have My will done in the earth in these days declares the Lord. And no man shall be able to stop it. For My Spirit is rising in the multitudes of those who are hungry and those who are thirsty for My knowledge says God.”
December 29, 2019 -- Listen
(go to time 34.04)
given through Pastor Gordon Brubaker
“For in 2020 you will be forced to walk and live in My Spirit, says God. For the eyes of what you see is going on in the world will lead you astray if you don’t keep your eyes on Me. For it is the rising and the falling of many in this earth, and many things will be revealed; but if you are watching the things in the natural you will back out before you see My super come into the natural. Do not be deceived by the things that you see in the natural, but keep your eyes on Me says God. And I will lead you through and you will see My working and you will wonder at it because you don’t see how I could possibly do it, but there must be the revealing of hearts so that all things will be revealed.”